Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rainy Day

Sometimes there's nothing better than a rainy day. I've been going and going the past few weeks and today's weather almost forced me to relax and just watch some TV without feeling like I should be somewhere doing something. Of course, I should be in the lab doing extra credit, but that's what tomorrow is for!! So I decided to photograph this rainy day. Makes things look quite beautiful sometimes. XOXO -M

The view from my window.

My poor little Scarlett is getting all rained on!!

The view outside from my floor looking out to I-95

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Poseys

Come to my surprise as we come close to this holiday season, Lauren Posey approached me about taking some pictures of her and her sisters, Katie and Elizabeth. Now... I loveee these girls! They are the sweetest and most darling group of girls that are not only sisters, but best friends. They wanted to get some updated photos for their parents for Christmas, and these are my favs from the shoot!! They are goofy in some, (You should have seen their faces when they were standing in the freezing cold ocean!!) but that's what I love about these girls. I had a wonderful time girls!!

About Me

My photo
Florida, United States
My entire life has been about my challenging ability to step out of my comfort zone and having the courage to go places I never thought I would ever go. So, I moved to Daytona to begin photography school at the University of Central Florida’s regional campus at Daytona State College in the fall of 2007 knowing I had no one; I lived alone, and had no job. It has changed my life. I love people. Being alone forced me to go out of my way to meet people and make friends. I cherish the time I spend with anyone I meet, learning from them and photographing their unique personalities. I am currently about to graduate from Daytona State College with a degree in Photographic Technology and created this blog to create some exposure for myself and share my talents with the world.